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at May 09, 2022Working from home is more popular than ever, and most reports show that office work life has been permanently impacted. Perks like the casual office attire, less commute time, dog bed beside your desk, and many other flexibilities make WFH desirable for many of us, but please remember you have added security responsibilities! Here are 3 things to remember about security when working remote.
1. Get the right assistance
Tech problems that prevent you from working can be frustrating and stressful. You just want a quick fix so you can meet expectations of work and client deadlines. Know how to get the correct people to help from your company to reduce security risks. It is good to ask and make notes before you need help.
Friends, family, client help desks, or home internet provider techs may be available to help, but they don’t have authority to access your work computer or your company systems/data. Even if they have good intentions, viruses and additional security problems can be introduced unintentionally. Don’t let anyone other than company approved employees remote in to your work computer or instruct you to make changes.
2. Always practice security protocols
It is easy to let your guard down at home – after all, it is generally where we feel the safest. But don’t be lax about security when working from home.
3. Follow proper computer hygiene
Sounds surprising I know, but it is important to take regular steps to keep your computer healthy.
Security is all of our responsibilities. Remember to get assistance from the proper people, always practice security protocols, and follow proper computer hygiene. Thank you for maintaining high security standards!
Karen Bloomer
VP of Compliance and Planning